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Junior League

Junior League Registration will open at 9:00 AM on Monday, February 3rd 

Register for Junior Golf League!


  • Open to golfers ages 9-14.
  • Juniors must be able to play 9 holes without adult supervision and be able carry their clubs.
  • Previous golf experience and basic golf etiquette is required.


  • League play will be Mondays & Thursdays from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. 
  • Monday & Thursday junior leagues are seperate leagues, however you have the option to sign up and play in both.
  • The league will run for 10 weeks. (See calendar below for league dates)
  • We will asign permanent tee times for the junior league season after registration opens.
  • Players may register as a single or in groups of 2, 3, or 4. Groups smaller than 4 will be paired into foursomes.
  • Tee times will be from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
  • New for 2025 an 18 hole round on the Minnalaya Putting Course is included each week and can be used before or after Loop round. 
  • A guest (parent/guardian) is encouraged to participate in the Minnalayas putting course round at no charge!
  • No more than 4 players are allowed per tee time.
  • No refunds will be given to players who miss a league day.
  • Free round passes will be given to players if league is cancelled due to weather.


  • $250.00 includes: 10 weeks of green fees on The Loop, 10 weeks of green fees on the Minnalaya Putting Course, welcome gift, games and snacks on the final day of League.




Monday, June 9th  Thursday, June 12th
Monday, June 16th  Thursday, June 19th
Monday, June 23rd  Thursday, June 26th
Monday, June 30th  Thursday, July 3rd
Monday, July 7th  Thursday, July 10th
Monday, July 14th  Thursday, July 17th
Monday, July 21st  Thursday, July 24th
Monday, July 28th  Thursday, July 31st
Monday, August 4th  Thursday, August 7th
Monday, August 11th  Thursday, August 14th




